We know that finding the best flight ticket for your trip is not always an easy task. That is why we include “one way “ and “round trip” options in our deals.
We handle everything related to your flight, only thing you need to worry is what to pack for your wonderful trip.
In order to find out what countries are eligible for “round trip” click here.
It is one of the most important issues for us that you experience the most advanced FUE technique hair transplantation comfortably with our painless methods.
Before the operation, we discuss what you need with your doctor, which medications will be given to you to have a comfortable procedure within certain tests during the operation, and after the operation, we provide the best after operation process with your special medication and care shampoo.
More information related to Hair Transplant visit here.Have you ever thought visiting a country where you thought you’ll have trouble communicating?
If Turkish is not one of the languages you speak, we provide an English translator or any language you want(Premium Package), so you will have no doubts of having a great experience during your trip.
Transportation might be really tough in an urban city like Istanbul where complex subway routes and traffic jam is a reality, if you’re new to the city.
We pick you up from the Airport, take you to your hotel and to our clinic with our Economy, Standard, Luxury options, while you are observing the best views of Istanbul streets.
Searching for the best hotel/accommodation is difficult and time consuming indeed. We save you plenty of time by finding an accommodation where you can rest well, feel comfortable and safe.
Depending on your luxury needs, we arrange 3, 4 and 5 stars hotel.
To see which hotels we accomodate click here.